- Early Prisons for Women in Colonial Queensland
- A New Prison for Women, 1903-21
- Inmates of the 1903 Prison
- Condemned Women of the Female Division
- Women's Prisons at Boggo Road 1921-82
- The Modern Prison for Women 1982-99
- 'Daughters of the Floating Brothel'
As a historical average, women have made up about 7% of the total Queensland inmate population, but their story has gained prominence at Boggo Road because their 1903 building - which was the first purpose-built prison for women in Queensland - has survived as the 'last prison standing' at the site. In addition, the new Female Division built there in 1982 was the last operational prison at Boggo Road.
- 'Women Prisoners in Queensland in the Interwar Years', Kerry Wimshurst, 1999 (PDF 57KB)
- 1937: A Visit to the Women's Prison
- Intemperance & the Train of Evils: A life on the wrong side of the tracks in colonial Brisbane (book)
- Kilroy Was Here (book)