Queensland Prisons Museum

Oct 14, 2015 0 comments
The Queensland Prisons Museum is located in the Caboolture Historical Village, and is curated by members of the Boggo Road Gaol Historical Society.

Housed inside a former Police Station and featuring two historic timber lock-up cells, this museum focusses on the history of the prison system in Queensland. It features some of the unique artefacts collected by the BRGHS, and is a great crowd favourite when BRGHS volunteers share their experience by giving entertaining talks and demonstrations inside the museum.

Gallery: Queensland Prisons Museum

Display of prisoner-made contraband weapons at the Queensland Prisons Museum, 2014.
Display of prisoner-made controlled weapons, 1980s. (BRGHS)
Lock-up cell at the Queensland Prisons Museum, 2015.
Inside of lock-up cells, Queensland Prisons Museum. (BRGHS)
Handcuff demonstration, Queensland Prisons Museum, 2014.
Handcuff demonstration, Queensland Prisons Museum, 2014. (BRGHS)
Old Police Station, Caboolture, home of the Queensland Prisons Museum, 2013.
Old Police Station, home of the Queensland Prisons Museum. (BRGHS)
Please contact the Caboolture Historical Village to enquire about QPM staff availability at the site.

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