PRISON LIFE Explore the ins and outs of everyday life for staff and inmates inside Boggo Road. |
RESEARCH CENTRE Tips and useful links for people researching Boggo Road and Queensland prison history. |
BOGGO THROUGH THE DECADES Explains the 116-year evolution and constantly-changing face of the Boggo Road prison reserve. |
HANGING IN QUEENSLAND Learn about the incredible history of capital punishment in Queensland and the 94 people who were hanged here. |
ESCAPES FROM BOGGO ROAD A look at the many attempts made to escape from Boggo Road since its earliest days. |
PRISONS FOR WOMEN Learn about the different women's prisons that have stood at Boggo Road over the years. |
THE PEOPLE OF BOGGO Meet some of the thousands of people who experienced life in Boggo Road. |
THE BUILDINGS OF BOGGO ROAD A look at the various buildings that made up Boggo Road, from construction to archaeology. |
MAPS & PLANS Explore some of the fascinating maps and plans associated with Boggo Road since 1883. |
TROUBLE & STRIFE How Boggo Road earned its reputation as a 'notorious' prison through years of conflict, strikes and riots. |
PENOLOGY & PRISON REPORTS Learn about changing attitudes to running prisons, and some landmark inquiries that led to change. |
PRISONS OF COLONIAL QUEENSLAND Heritage prisons are a rare sight now, but a network of prisons once spanned the colony. |
MYTHBUSTING We take a look at some of those Boggo Road stories that, well, don't quite pass muster. |
PRISON TIMELINES Better understand prison history with these simple historical frameworks. |
AUSTRALIAN HERITAGE GAOLS Explore the many heritage gaols and lockups that can be found right around Australia. |
LOCAL HISTORY The story of the area surrounding the heritage prison. |