Who is in the BRGHS?

Nov 13, 2015 0 comments
The Boggo Road Gaol Historical Society is first and foremost just what it says in our name - a historical society dedicated to researching and promoting the history of the heritage prison.

We have grown from having a handful of members (the volunteers of the Boggo Road Gaol Museum in 2003) to - at times - over 300. Our members come from a range of backgrounds, from local residents to historians, and former Boggo Road officer and inmates.  

We do have a lot of officers in our ranks, and fewer prisoners, but we are in no way a 'prison officers association'. We acknowledge that there are many people who experienced the old prison and there are many stories to be told, in many voices from many perspectives. Adopting the true spirit of historical enquiry, our aim is to encourage respectful public discussion about the history of Boggo Road, for there to be lively debate and investigation, and a commitment to respect historical fact.

We also have to acknowledge that much of the history of the prison is inherently controversial and riven with conflict, and we do stipulate that we cannot promote or publish comments from other people that could be deemed to be defamatory and that we could be held legally responsible for.   

Each of our members has their own interests in and perspective on Boggo Road, and we respect that. We are not here to promote individual agendas, but do encourage individual research. 

We always welcome new members who support our aims (you can find a membership form here).

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