Duration: 1811-34 (New South Wales)
Number of hangings conducted in Moreton Bay penal settlement and Brisbane: 2 prisoners
Total number of hangings conducted in New South Wales: 452 (approx.)
Origin: Britain
Former occupations: Blacksmith
Alexander Green
Duration: 1834-55 (New South Wales)
Number of hangings conducted in Moreton Bay penal settlement and Brisbane: 9 prisoners
Total number of hangings conducted in New South Wales: 251 (approx.)
Origin: Holland/Britain
Former occupations: Acrobat; convict
Duration: 1857
Number of hangings conducted in Queensland: 1 prisoner
Origin: New York (African-American)
Former occupation: Ship’s cook
Duration: 1855-early 1870s
Number of hangings conducted in Queensland: 3 prisoners
Number of hangings conducted in Queensland: 38 prisoners
Origin: England
John Hutton (real name Hatton) was a prisoner serving two years for the sexual assault of a young girl when he conducted his first hanging. He grew to be quite wealthy from his long time in the position, and owned a number of properties in Brisbane, some of which he used as brothels. He was pensioned off in 1885 at the age of 81.
Duration: 1885-86
Number of hangings conducted in Queensland: 2 prisoners
Origin: England
Former occupations: Imperial army; greengrocer
Fortitude Valley greengrocer Henry Flude was the first non-prisoner or convict to be appointed as hangman in Queensland, and he took the job on condition that his identity was not be revealed. He worked under the pseudonym ‘John Brown’. Although the job paid well, executioners were still generally despised and had low social standing, so when Flude’s real name was exposed eight months later he resigned, and seems to have left Brisbane shortly afterwards.
Duration: 1886-99
Number of hangings conducted in Queensland: 18 prisoners
Origin: Scotland
Former occupations: Clerk, mill labourer, hawker, Queensland Volunteer Defence Force
Although he was a ‘respectable’ figure, William Ware’s time as hangman was marked by his frequent attempts to get pay rises, bonuses, and even compensation for commuted death sentences on account of the ‘dangers, sneers and slurs that I have to put up with’. He died in 1899.
Duration: 1900-05
Number of hangings conducted in Queensland: 10 prisoners
Former occupations: Blacksmith, Taringa
Samuel Hudson probably suffered more in his work than any other Queensland hangman. He was social vilified to the extent that his blacksmithing business went out of business, and sections of the press turned on him after the controversial execution of Patrick Kenniff in 1903. As a measure of disguise, Hudson wore a false black beard, a hat and blue goggles during the ten executions that he conducted. He resigned in 1905, unable to cope with the pressures of the job any longer.
William Henry Clarke (aka William ‘Duffy’)
Duration: 1905-20
Number of hangings conducted in Queensland: 10 prisoners
Origin: England
Former occupations: soldier, coachman and groom
William Clarke also wore false beards and hats, and he worked under the name ‘William Duffy’. Clarke was to be the last Queensland hangman, as capital punishment was abolished in 1922. He hanged ten men during his career, the last in 1913, after which time 20 death sentences were commuted. He was ‘retired’ in 1920 and not replaced.