- Dawson, Christopher, & Frank Wood, Last Prison Standing: A short history of Boggo Road's No.2 Division 1903-89 (Brisbane: Inside History, 2005).
- Dawson, Christopher, The Houdini of Boggo Road: The Life and Escapades of Slim Halliday (Brisbane: Inside History, 2005).
- Dawson, Christopher, & Frank Wood, Escaping Boggo Road (Brisbane: Inside History, 2005).
- Dawson, Christopher, The Prisoners of Toowong Cemetery: Life, Death and the old Petrie Terrace Gaol (Brisbane: Inside History, 2006).
- Dawson, Christopher, The Illustrated Boggo Road Dictionary of Prison Language, Slang, & Flash (Brisbane: Inside History, 2007).
- Dawson, Christopher, The One & Only Boggo Road: The history of a unique suburban street (Brisbane: Inside History, 2007).
- Dawson, Christopher, Intemperance and the Train of Evils (Brisbane: Inside History, 2009).
- Dawson, Christopher, Shivs, Bongs & Boob Guns: Made in a Queensland prison cell (Brisbane: Inside History, 2010).
- Ellem, Barry, Doing Time: The prison experience (Sydney: Fontana, 1984).
- Finger, Jarvis, The St Helena Story (Brisbane: Boolarong Press, 2010).
- Gage, Steve, Boggo Road Prison: Riots to Ruin (Melbourne: Sid Harta Press, 2009).
- King, Tom, Boggo Road and Beyond (Brisbane: Boolarong Press, 2007).
- Olsson, Kristina, Kilroy Was Here (Sydney: Bantam, 2005).
- Stephenson, Roy, Nor Iron Bars a Cage (Brisbane: Boolarong Press, 1982).
Prison History (Queensland): Articles and theses
- Bridges, Barry. ‘The Aborigines and the Law: New South Wales 1788-1855’, Teaching History 4, no.3 (1970): 40-70.
- Connors, Libby. ‘Local History, Social History and the Law: Early Criminal Records in Queensland’. Archives and Approaches II, Brisbane History Group Papers 7(1988): 109-122.
- Connors, Libby. ‘‘Drinking, whoring and folly by night.’ Law and order in the 1840s’, Journal of the RHSQ 15, no.10 (1991): 497-499.
- Evans, Raymond, ‘Charitable Institutions of the Queensland Government to 1919’, MA thesis, UQ, 1969.
- Finnane, Mark & John McGuire. ‘The Uses of Corporal Punishment and Exile: Aborigines in Colonial Australia.’ Punishment and Society 3, no.2 (2001): 279-298.
- Harris, Carmel. ‘‘The Terror of the Law’ as Applied to Black Rapists in Colonial Queensland.’ Hecate 8, no.2 (1982): 23-48.
- Heap, Grenfell, ‘The Ranges Were the Best’, Queensland Heritage 2, no.1 (1967): 3-23.
- Heap, Grenfell, ‘Kenniff, James (1869?-1940)’, Australian Dictionary of Biography 9 (Melbourne: MUP, 1983) 568-569.
- Lincoln, Ian, The Punishment of Crime in Queensland 1860-1890 (Honours thesis, University of Queensland, 1966).
- McGuire, John, Punishment and colonial society: a history of penal change in Queensland, 1859-1930s, (PhD thesis, UQ, 2001).
- Sturma, Michael, ‘Public Executions and the ritual of Death, 1838’, Push from the Bush 15 (1983): 3-11.
- Wimshurst, Kerry, Women Prisoners in Queensland in the Interwar Years, paper presented at the ‘History of Crime, Policing and Punishment Conference’ (Canberra, 1999).
Prison Heritage Queensland): Reports
- Antcap Pty Ltd, Boggo Road Gaol, Annerley, Brisbane: Assessment of the collection owned by the Environmental Protection Agency (Brisbane: Antcap Pty Ltd, October 2002).
- Blake, Thom, and Richard Robins, Petrie Terrace Barracks Archaeological Survey (Brisbane: Property Solutions, August 2007).
- Clary, Tania, 'Museum Plan for No.2 Division' (Brisbane: Tania Clary Museum Services, 2003).
- Gardiner, Fiona, and Judith McKay, Boggo Road Conservation Analysis (Brisbane: Administration Services Department, 1991.
- Riddel, Robert, and Thom Blake, Boggo Road Gaol Conservation Management Plan (Brisbane: Dept Public Works, October 2002).
- Woods, Ruth, Heritage Impact Assessment for Development at the Former Boggo Road Gaol, (Brisbane: Heritage Architecture, 2015).
- Brand, Ian, Port Arthur 1830-1877 (Launceston: Regal Publications, 1975).
- Prout, Denton and Fred Feely, 50 Years Hard: The story of Pentridge Gaol from 1850 to 1900 (Adelaide: Rigby Limited, 1967).
- Ramsland, John, With Just But Relentless Discipline: A social history of Corrective Services in New South Wales (Kenthurst: Kangaroo Press, 1996).
- Semple, James Kerr, Parramatta Correctional Centre: Its Past Development and Future Care (Sydney: NSW Corrective Services, 1995).
Capital Punishment: Books
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- Adam, Simon, The Unforgiving Rope (Victoria Park , WA: Foundation Press, 1993).
- Beckett, Robert, & Ray Beckett, Hangman: The Life and Times of Alexander Green, Public Executioner to the Colony of New South Wales (Melbourne: Nelson, 1980).
- Davis, Richard P., The Tasmanian Gallows: A Study of Capital Punishment (Hobart: Cat & Fiddle Press, 1974).
- Dawson, Christopher, No Ordinary Run of Men: The Queensland executioners (Brisbane: Inside History, 2010).
- Dawson, Christopher, Dirty Dozen: Hanging and the Moreton Bay convicts (Brisbane: Inside History, 2007).
- Dawson, Christopher, The Hanging at the Brisbane Windmill (Brisbane: Inside History, 2010).
- Dawson, Christopher, That Gingerbread Structure: The trials and tribulations of the Queen Street gaol (Brisbane: Inside History, 2009).
- Dawson, Christopher, Swinging in the 'Sixties: Hanging around the colony (Brisbane: Inside History, 2010).
- Dawson, Christopher, The Prisoners of Toowong Cemetery: Life, Death and the old Petrie Terrace Gaol (Brisbane: Inside History, 2006).
- Dawson, Christopher, A Pit of Shame: The executed prisoners of Boggo Road (2nd edition, Brisbane: Inside History, 2010).
- Gane, Leonie, The Hungry Ghosts of Boggo Road: Background, beliefs, and fate in the afterlife of Chinese prisoners executed in Queensland (Brisbane: Inside History, 2005).
Capital Punishment: Articles and theses
- Barber, Ross, ‘Rape as a Capital Offence in 19th Century Queensland.’ Australian Journal of Politics and History 21, no.1. (April 1975): 30-41.
- Barber, Ross, ‘Capital Punishment in Queensland’, Honours thesis, University of Queensland, 1967.
- Barber, Ross, ‘Armed Robbery in 19th Century Queensland – The Wells Case’, Queensland Heritage, Vol.2, No.9, November 1973.
- Cameron, K.T. ‘The Hunting Down of the Kenniffs: Queensland Desperadoes of 1902.’ Journal of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland (RHSQ)7, no.2 (1964): 368-384.
- Connors, Libby. ‘Indigenous resistance and traditional leadership: Understanding and Interpreting Dundalli’, Journal of the RHSQ. 9, no.3 (2005): 701-712.
- Connors, Libby. ‘The theatre of justice.’ Brisbane: The Aboriginal Presence 1824-1860, Brisbane History Group (BHG) Papers 11 (1992): 48-57.
- Connors, Libby, ‘Traditional law and Indigenous Resistance at Moreton Bay 1842-1855’, Australia and New Zealand Law and History E-journal (2005), pp. 107-13, www.anzlhejournal.auckland.ac.nz
- Castle, Tim, ‘Constructing Death: Newspaper reports of executions in colonial New South Wales’, Journal of Australian Colonial History, no. 9, 2007.
- Dawson, Christopher. 'The Dead Outside the Fence: Burying executed prisoners in Brisbane, 1830-1913', Queensland History Journal, volume 20, no.8 (November 2008), RHSQ.
- Prentis, Malcolm. ‘The Life and Death of Johnny Campbell,’ Aboriginal History 15, no.2 (1991): 138-151.
- Sheaffe, Stephen, ‘Dundalli - resistance fighter or murderer’, Journal of the RHSQ 19, no.3 (2005): 680-700.
- Sturma, Michael, ‘Public Executions and the ritual of Death, 1838’, Push from the Bush, no. 15, 1983.
- Bateson, Charles, The Convict Ships 1787-1868 (Glasgow: Brown, son & Ferguson, 1969).
- Bateson, Charles, Patrick Logan: Tyrant of Brisbane Town (Sydney: Ure Smith, 1966).
- The Fell Tyrant, Harrison, Jennifer, and JG Steele (eds.) (Brisbane: RHSQ, 2003).
- Hughes, Robert, The Fatal Shore (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1987).
- Johnston, W.R., Brisbane: The first thirty years (Brisbane, Boolarong Press, 1988).
- Knight, JJ, In the Early Days: History and Incident of Pioneer Queensland (Brisbane: Sapsford and Co., 1898).
- O’Keefe, Mamie, Convicts at Moreton Bay 1824-1859 (Brisbane: Royal Historical Society of Queensland, 2001).
- Petrie, Constance Campbell, Tom Petrie’s reminiscences of early Queensland (Brisbane: Watson & Ferguson, 1904).
- Steele, John, Brisbane Town in Convict Days 1824-1842 (Brisbane: University of Queensland Press, 1975).
Convict History Articles and theses
- Connors, Libby, ‘The 'birth of the prison' and the death of convictism: The operation of the law in pre-separation Queensland 1839 to 1859’, PhD thesis, University of Queensland, 1990.
- Evans, Ray, ‘Convict Floggings,’ in Radical Brisbane: An Unruly History, eds R. Evans and C. Ferrier (Carlton North: The Vulgar Press, 2004).
- Evans, Raymond, ‘‘On the utmost verge’: Race and ethnic relations at Moreton Bay, 1799-1842’.
- Evans, Ray, & W. Thorpe, 'Power, Punishment and Penal Labour: Convict Workers and Moreton Bay', Australian Historical Studies 25 (1992).
- Fisher, Rod, ‘The Old Windmill - A Haunting Heritage’, Mining, Building, Story Bridge, Windmill, BHG, papers 10, 1991.
- Gill, JCH, ‘Some investigations into the site of the Brisbane’s earliest burial ground’, RHSQ Journal 6, no.2 (1959-60).
- Gordon, Douglas, ‘Sickness and Death at the Moreton Bay Convict Settlement.’ Medical Journal of Australia 2 (1963).
- Harrison, Jennifer, ‘The Moreton Bay commandants and their families’, Journal of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland (RHSQ), vol.20, no.4.
- Hogan, Janet, ‘Brisbane’s Historic Windmill’, Mining, Building, Story Bridge, Windmill, BHG, papers 10, 1991.
- O’Keefe, Mamie. Convicts at Moreton Bay 1824-1859, Brisbane, RHSQ, 1978.
- O’Keefe, Mamie, ‘The Runaway Convicts of Moreton Bay’, Journal of the RHSQ, vol. 10, no. 1, 1976.
Southern Brisbane Local History – Books
- FJ Brewer and R Dunn, Municipal History of South Brisbane (Brisbane: Pole, 1925).
- Buch, Neville, No Regrets in the Evening of Life (Brisbane: Boolarong Press, 2015).
- Dawson, Christopher, Boggo Road Heritage Walk (Brisbane: Inside History, 2007).
- Dawson, Christopher, Absolute Fairyland: Heady Days in Dutton Park (Brisbane: Inside History, 2006).
- Dawson, Christopher, The One & Only Boggo Road: The history of a unique suburban street (Brisbane: Inside History, 2008).
- Dawson, Christopher, and T Olivieri, Brisbane Beginnings: Dutton Park (Brisbane: Inside History, 2009).
- C Dawson, Christopher, Brisbane Beginnings: Fairfield (Brisbane: Inside History, 2010).
- Greenwood, Gordon, & John Laverty, Brisbane, 1859-1959: A History of Local Government (Sydney: Ziegler, 1959).
- Jarrett, J. Keith, History of Highgate Hill (Sunnybank: JK Jarrett, 1997).
- MacKenzie, Anne, Memories Along the Boggo Track (Brisbane: Boolarong Publications, 1992).
- McClurg, John, Historical Sketches of Brisbane (Brisbane: Royal Historical Society of Queensland, 1975).
- Olivieri, Tracey, In the Beginning: The early years of South Brisbane Cemetery (Brisbane: Inside History, 2008).
- Ord, Mary Joan, A Bridge and a Resting Place: The Ursulines at Dutton Park 1919-1980, (Brisbane: MJ Ord, 1981).
Southern Brisbane Local History: Articles and theses
- Maroochy Barambah and Ade Kukoyi, ‘Cultural Heritage Report (Indigenous historical and cultural analysis) for the proposed Boggo Road Busway Project’, Boggo Road Busway Review of Environmental Factors, Brisbane, Sinclair Knight Mertz, 2006.
- William Clark, ‘A jubilee retrospect – the city of South Brisbane’, The Queenslander, 7 August 1909.
- Green Bridge Link: Impact Assessment Study, Brisbane, Brisbane City Council, 2003.
- Ray Kerkhove, West End to Woolloongabba: the early and Aboriginal history of a district, Brisbane, Foundation of Aboriginal & Islander Research Action, 1985.
- Ros Kidd, Aboriginal History of the Princess Alexandra Hospital Site, Brisbane, Diamantina Health Care Museum Association, 2000.
- Charles Melton, ‘When Woolloongabba was Wattle-Scented’, Journal of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland (RHSQ) vol. 1, no. 4, 1918.
- John Prangnell and Karen Murphy, Artefacts from the Green Bridge Development Site, Dutton Park, St Lucia, University of Queensland Archaeological Services Unit, 2005, Report No.389.
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